Friday, May 1, 2015

4 versions for the iPhone between iPhone 6S and iPhone 7?

4 versions for the iPhone between iPhone 6S and iPhone 7? - You'll quickly find that some of the best deals on cheap phones are sold via mobile operators. What you need to watch for is whether these phones are sold locked to that operator's network. This is the case with the Vodafone Smart N8, but if you don't want to become a Vodafone customer you should look elsewhere on the list for a non-network-branded handset, such as the Moto G5. where others often don, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about 4 versions for the iPhone between iPhone 6S and iPhone 7?, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Summer moments are for savoring—which is why we love capturing them on our Moto phones!

As does Miguel R, a Moto 4 versions for the iPhone between iPhone 6S and iPhone 7? X user from Kew Gardens, New York, on Google+. He’s beautifully captured and composed some classic summer moments—sunbursts, grassy fields, sunset-drenched lakes, and more, as you can see above. You can almost feel the warm rays on your face when you look at his photos.

So we asked Miguel for some of his favorite tips for taking photos on Moto X. Here are his top five:
  1. Clean the camera lens. Sounds simple, but it’s more important than you think!
  2. Set the camera to HDR mode. This will make your photo look even more vibrant. The feature works especially well for scenes without motion. 
  3. Manually adjust the exposure to create the desired look. You can turn on “Control Focus and Exposure” in Camera settings. Drag the circle to highlight your subject and the focus and lighting will adjust accordingly.
  4. Prop up the camera. Use two hands or find something stable to set it on.
  5. Never take just one photo. Take a few to make sure you have a good selection to choose from.
Miguel’s biggest tip? “Just experiment with those things and hopefully these tips, as simple and obvious as they may seem, can help others take better photographs,” he says.

Thanks for the tips, Miguel! 

How about you? Try these tips out and let us know what you think! What are your secrets to taking a great shot on your phone?

Posted by Noelle Chun, Motorola Social Media Team

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